Rabbi Baron Sacks of Adgate in the City of London זצ”ל

Gadol beIsrael, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks passed away this morning, Shabbat Vayerá. Rabbi Sacks served as the Chief Rabbi of the Commonwealth from 1991 until 2013 and continued as an inspiring and highly esteemed figure throughout his life. His influence and brilliance was extraordinary and will be sorely missed, not only by the British community …

!שנה טובה

For Rosh HaShana 5781 we are wishing all our members and friends of our congregation in Berlin, Israel and worldwide Shana TováKtiva VeChatima TovaAll the best wishes and good health, peace, good fortune and success Rabbi Gedaliahu Shreiber, shelit"aChairman of the Jewish Congregation Adass Jisroel BerlinChairman of the Jewish Congregation Yeshurun, Jerusalem